
Tuition & Fees

2024-2025 Tuition

Our 1 hour classes are 55 minutes of class time, but for billing purposes counted as an hour class. Our 30 minute classes are 25 minutes of class time, but for billing purposes counted as 0.5 hours. Our 45 minute classes are 40 minutes of class time, but for billing purposes counted as 0.75 hours. 


Monthly Tuition*
(price is per student- not per family)

.5 $68
.75 $85
1 $95
1.25-1.5 $128
1.75-2 $155
2.25-2.5 $170
2.75-3 $185
3.25-3.5 $205
3.75-4 $225
4.25-4.5 $245
4.75-5 $265
5.25-5.5 $285
5.75-6 $305
6.25-6.5 $320
6.75-7 $330
7.25-7.5 $340
7.75-8 $350
8.25-9 $360
9.25 +

Private Lesson Fees

Private Lessons- 30 min.-1 hr.

$44/30 min. lesson

$60/45 min. lesson

$75/60 min. lesson

Semi-Private Lessons-

(2-3 students)

$34 per student/30 min. lesson

$45 per student/45 min. lesson

$55 per student/1 hr. lesson


Payment Options:

Tuition must be paid by automatic debit or credit card payment. Tuition will be charged to the card on file on August 1 and the 1st day of each month from September-April. The month of May (which is considered last month’s tuition) is paid for at the time of registration and is non-refundable. When registering you will pay the registration fee and LAST month’s tuition.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & American Express.

Tuition Policies:

  • Tuition must be paid monthly & is due on the 1st of each month- all monthly tuition will be auto-charged on a credit or debit card on file. We must have a card on file. If you do not want this card charged you are welcome to pay cash or check to the front desk before the 1st. The card on file will only be charged your balance as of the 1st of each month.
  • $15 late fee will be added to any account still outstanding after the 10th of the month. If your card expires or you get a new card it is your responsibility to update the card we have on file before the 1st of the month.
  • $25 return fee will be added to any returned checks
  • no refunds will be given for missed classes

Additional Fees: (do not apply to private lessons)

  • Registration Fee- at the time of enrollment a $45 registration fee is due per student (maximum of $80 per family) as well as the last month’s tuition. There are no registration fees in the summer.
  • Recital/Costume Fee- in order to bring a wonderful recital experience to you and your family a recital fee will be due in November. With this combined fee you will receive costume(s) for recital with all accessories and hair pieces, tights for recital, and a wonderful recital experience!
  • $80 recital fee per family

Costume Fees are as follows:

PreBallet and Mini Level Classes & Combo I- $80 per student
Level Classes & Combo II Classes- $88 per student
All Hip Hop classes: Additional $25 for recital hip hop shoes
Combo III: $144 per student


Family Discounts:

  • Multi-Student Discount – Families with more than 1 child in dance will receive 10% off every child after the first.
  • Boys Get Half Off – If they have a sister enrolled in dance classes, boys get 50% off their monthly tuition.

* Important: payments do not vary due to holidays or the number of weeks per month. The full month’s tuition is due for months August through May (10 in total).